Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The World Would Be a Better Place....

if there were more people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

I know, I know. You mostly hear about their baby making capabilities and all the variations there of.

But, would you do what they do? I don't mean the acting, the jet-setting and the gazillion dollar chateau in France.

Would you strap on body armour, knowing you're four months pregnant, to draw the camera lights and the attention to the plight of Iraqi refugees? Would you give up a large percentage of your income to fund a rebuilding project in the Ninth Ward to fix what the government can't or won't? Would you use whatever fame you might possess to focus the attention of those around you on the plight of those less fortunate?

Here's to a couple that is dedicated to themselves, their children and their world. The world would be a better place if there were more people like them.

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