Saturday, June 21, 2008


It is the solstice. The summer one. My favorite day of the year (besides the highest of state holidays - my birthday! May 13th for those of you who have shamelessly forgotten).

Usually on the longest day of the year, I make it my personal mission to spend 12 hours in the sunshine. Insert your skin cancer joke here. Today, not so much. It was a special circle of hell known as Saturday Bar Prep. But still the sun was on my mind.

Do you know you can watch shadows move? Honest. And it is the most peaceful thing if you pull it off. I was tucked up on a park bench and noticed the shadow moving across a sidewalk. There were pebbles in the crack and I thought I'd mark the time by seeing how long it would take the sun to move on to the next pebble in the shade. I was zoned out, thinking about other things, and my eyes stopped focusing directly on the pebble and the sun/shadow line. And then it happened. I could watch the shadow and the false shadow move out and the sunlight move in.

Try it. It's fun. And it opens up that child like innocence that we all need a dose of every now and then.

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