Friday, June 13, 2008

My Window on the World

Welcome aboard.

I make no promises that I won't offend you, piss you off or make you want to punch me in my face. Now that's the clear, let's begin.

Anyone who knows me well will know exactly where the title of this blog came from. When in doubt, consult the Bible of Buffett. A friend of mine who blogs always titles his entries with song titles - which was the inspiration for the title of my blog. Thanks, Froggie.

This blog will undoubtedly be part politics, part law, part my friends and part what I see on a daily basis. This isn't about changing the world, changing what you think or changing your perspective. It's about the internal dialouge that happens in my head. And as of right now, it appears there is no need for medication.

I hope you enjoy it. I hope you hate. But above all, I hope it makes you think.

1 comment:

CmentMixer said...

Welcome to the blogsphere!