Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bitch, please...

I would very much like to salute Andrew Card, former chief of fuckery for The Fruitbat, for being the biggest douchenozzle of all time.

Card, who was an active player in several of the more deplorable decisions of the Bush administration, decided he needed to opine on the perceived fashion faux pas of the Obama administration.


Cuz you got absolutely nothing better to do? No one is paying you $1 million for your memoirs? You cannot find some Republican groupie to give you a hand job? You're so bored you've become the political version of Mr. Blackwell?

I don't care of Obama and his staff are wearing leis and dancing the hula as long as they are moving forward to resolve the problems of this country. I never cared that The Fruitbat wore his jogging suit in public nor did I care that Ronald Reagan thought Jelly Bellies were good idea. Obama and the gang are doing hard work and when men (and woman who like long sleeves) are doing hard work, the sleeves get rolled up.

So, Mr. Card, please feel free to zip your lip or, even better, bounce on out of the spotlight and join the rest of your ilk hunkered down in dark places to avoid service from the Court of Public Opinion suing you for multiple counts of douchenozzelry.

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