Sunday, November 23, 2008

Everybody's on the Phone

Who knew a finding a phone number would be an archelogical dig involving generations of cell phones.

I was trying to get in touch with someone I hadn't talked to in several years. The person called me but the signal faded when she was leaving her number. So I thought well i can random dial until I get there or I can hope I still have her number someplace.

My current phone is a Blackberry Curve.
The phone before that was a Motorola Rzr-3.
Before that was the Motorola Razor.
Before that was a Sanyo something or another.
And before that was another Sanyo something which I ran over with my car.
The one before that was red, might have been a Kyocera.
At the same time the work phone was a Nokia.
Before that, it was a Motorola flip phone that weighed six hundred pounds.

So anyway, I have all but two of those phones still: the one I ran over and the one that belonged to my former employer. I don't know why have the others. I even have a Nokia I picked up in Ireland so that I could call my friends when I was there. In any event, I fired up each one of the phones, scrolling literally back through time. Upon m first cell phone - circa 1996 - I found my friend's old home number. And her cell. Neither of which worked. Then I found her mom's number on the oldest phone.

Success at last. Thank god in a day and age when many have forsaken land lines that the old folks still like a dial tone.

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