Friday, July 18, 2008

Liar, liar, liar

John Ashcroft is a big fat stinky liar.

Ass-croft got up in front a House committee yesterday and defended waterboarding. Fine, fine. It is logical (if creepy) that when you're trying to torture information out of a guy (who may or may not have any) you need a full panoply of tricks in the torture toolbag. This statement, of course, is predicated on the idea that torture is morally acceptable in any circumstance and that you actually get right or good or accurate information when you're twisting a guy's jibbly parts or forcing water down his throat "to create the sensation of drowning."

(For a personal perspective, read Christopher Hitchen's experience - he actually paid someone to do this to him:

Now Ass-croft tried to soften up everyone in the room with the Bushian plea of "national security" and "terrorists are coming" and then delivered the punchline: only three people ever got waterboarded and the infliction in his officious little voice was "Only three got it so what are all you weak kneed namby pambies whining about? Only three, man. It's not like we've choked out the entire Iraqi population here. Beside you cannot handle the truth."

Anyone who has seen A Few Good Men knows the last line. But here is the truth: Bush, Ass-croft, Cheney are worse than Jack Nicholson's Col. Nathan R. Jessep. Not only don't they think we can handle the truth - that they've created a war, a torture center and killed thousands of Americans for a religious war - they don't want us to ever know the truth - Ibid. So they lie and prevaricate and pay lots of money to protect their sleazy truth.

The voters in the State of Missouri got it right and the rest of the country should have known what they were getting in their former Attorney General. Ass-croft is so utterly bereft of humanity that Missouri voted him out of the Senate by voting in a dead man. We should have listened to the Great State of Missouri and never trusted Ashcroft when Bush and his corrupt cronies entrusted Ashcroft with the role of being the nation's top law enforcement officer.

He was okay with torturing foreigners, denying them access to the best court system in the world and keeping them locked up in Cuba. He has master mined the deepest erosion into civil rights and civil liberties this country has ever seen. He was defeated by a dead man.

Are we done? Crawl back into whatever hole you slithered out of yesterday and darken my airwaves no more for you have nothing to say that I will believe and children die today because of you.

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